
Evan Sornstein's great appreciation for the unfettered humanity of E.E. Cummings is celebrated on this suite of twenty-two poems, read by twenty-two different people evenly spaced around the world. Set against an evocative, electronic backdrop of detailed soundscape, Nowever explores life and meaning, searching for Cummings' "truths" through his own works, interpreted by the voices of glad and young, aged and ageless – busy monsters all – from Taipei to Glasgow, Sardinia to California.

"...poetry and every other art was and is and forever will be strictly and distinctly a question of individuality..." - E.E. Cummings (1953)

01| seeker of truth
02| in spite of everything
03| a great
04| love is a place
05| who are you,little i
06| yes is a pleasant country:
07| now air is air and thing is thing:no bliss
08| when god decided to invent
09| mr youse needn't be so spry
10| wild(at our first) beasts
11| i will wade out
12| may my heart always be open to little
13| all ignorance toboggans into know
14| i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
15| "o purple finch/please tell me why
16| now is a ship
17| o by the by
18| plant Magic dust
19| anyone lived in a pretty howtown
20| i shall imagine life
21| it may not always be so; i say
22| no time ago

Curium & Olivia Coseboom - Nowever: A Suite Of Portraits By Curium. Poems By e.e. Cummings

For those of you who
bought the CD as a download,
here is a PDF of the booklet
with all of the poems
and information.

| videos

Curium’s gleaming melodies and crunchy beats evoke early Morr Music while the brightly chiming synth tones occasionally recall Eno; natural sounds (birds, rain) also expand the sonic palette in particular settings (“yes is a pleasant country”). Curium’s music parallels the texts in unfolding fluidly without recourse to overly fixed structures, resulting in a consistently engrossing hour-long suite that’s neither song cycle nor spoken word but some unusual amalgam of the two. -Textura

Curium Featured on Echos